Posted February 21, 2017

PTQ Safety Spray Goggles

PTQ Safety Spray Goggles offer the most efficient and comfortable solution for spray painting eye safety.

PTQ Safety GogglesThe patented, high-impact and ventilated, anti-fog lenses keeps the user safe from debris as well as potential of obscuring one's view due to condensation. In the process of spray painting, the lens becomes covered with overspray and visibility becomes obscured or eliminated. Trying to clean off the lens is impossible because plastic only smudges leaving the eyewear useless.

With the PTQ System, no winding or twisting is required. You just pull the tab, advancing the lens clearing the users vision. After 13 frame advances, just throw the canister away and simply pop a new one in in seconds.

Unlike stick-on lenses or flimsy winding type goggles, the PTQ lenses are pulled off and thrown away with no mess.


  • Reusable goggles and disposable lens canisters
  • Anti-fogging temperature barrier Lens
  • Comfortably fits over prescription eye glasses
  • Contains 13 refreshes of film
  • Can be worn with half-mask respirators
  • Rapid advancement of lens and cartridge replacement
  • Meets or exceeds latest ANSI standards