Posted November 17, 2015

ContiTech emphasizes social and environmental responsibility

With a focus on social and environmental responsibility, Jim Hill, CEO of ContiTech NAFTA Region explained to a group of hose manufacturers that the key to long-term success is maintaining a commitment to quality in every facet of the business.

“We must commit ourselves to implementing, maintaining and continuously improving a management system which is based on international quality, environment, energy and safety standards," Hill said at the 2015 Hose Manufacturer's Conference. "Our aim is to create sustainable value while acting responsibly."

Hill added that ContiTech is fully aware of its social and environmental responsibilities, not only to increase the value of the company, but also to also maintain and improve the living conditions for us all. In his presentation, Hill touched on four areas of concern to the manufacturers: low permeation/low extraction fuel hose, environmental compatible hose utilization of recycled/reclaimed materials and energy saving hose.

Sustainable management and corporate social responsibility are among Continental’s fundamental values. Both reinforce the culture of solidarity while simultaneously contributing to forward-looking and values-based corporate management. As a signatory of the Global Compact of the United Nations, Continental supports its 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Continental contributes to sustainable mobility with its products, technologies, and services. The goal is to increase the safety, comfort, and energy efficiency of vehicles. We also want to make mobility affordable for everyone. Continental makes significant contributions of benefit to society for a number of additional key industries – such as wind turbines for energy generation or conveyor belt systems to transport materials without harming the environment. For humans, the solutions mean protection, health, and quality of life.