Oval-Q hot air welder
The new Oval-Q welder is characterized by its slight lean oval shape that allows users to work ergonomically.
Operators can quickly and easily clean the air filters by a simple separation from the handgrip to ensure maximum airflow and proper tool function.
This powerful welder has an efficient twin turbine system providing an airflow of 240 liters/minute. With this above average airflow, a robust 1650W heat element yields maximum heat temperatures, which are adjustable using the heat control knob. The Oval-Q is lightweight (2.2 lbs/1000 g) giving ergonomic and fatigue-free operation and has an optimally balanced motor for minimal handle vibration. It is also available in 230V, 1500W power.
Suitable for welding all thermo-plastics the Oval-Q welds roofing materials, textiles, tarpaulin and banner materials, pond liners, and vinyls used in the construction of swimming pools. With a simple tip change, you can also use it with welding rod for plastic repairs of bins, bumpers, totes and many other plastic parts.