Posted June 7, 2024

ISA opens Fall Summit registration 

Registration is now open for the Industrial Supply Association's (ISA) third annual Fall Summit in Orlando, September 25 to 27.

"As a true supporter of Fall Summit's mission, I've seen firsthand the impact of this event on our people and the industrial community," said Jennifer Murphy, president and CEO at NetPlus Alliance. "It's where industry professionals at all levels come together to learn and grow together and network and I'm honored to be part of such an inspiring gathering. There’s nothing like it in our space.

Designed to unlock the full potential of industrial companies and their people, the agenda features three educational tracks tailored to meet the diverse needs of industry professionals at every age and stage.

ISA fall summit

1) The Women in Industry track, centered around "Balanced Brilliance: Empowering Women to Thrive in Work & Life," provides essential tools and inspiration for women to redefine success, conquer work-place hurdles, master conflict resolution, and advance in the industrial channel.

2) The Emerging Leaders track, themed "Elevate & Influence: Shaping the Next Generation of Industry Leaders," empowers emerging talent to unlock their potential and lead the future of the industrial supply channel. Sessions cover personal branding, communication mastery, negotiation skills, innova-tive problem-solving, and more.

3) The Channel Pros track, themed "Navigating the Future of the Industrial Channel Landscape," equips attendees with strategies for success in the rapidly evolving business world. From mergers and acquisitions to profitability and inventory strategies, cybersecurity culture and the future of work, participants gain insights to thrive in today's dynamic market.ISA Fall Summit

"Professional growth is essential in any field, and the industrial industry is no different," said ISA CEO Brendan Breen. "With Fall Summit, ISA has responded to the need for nurturing talent and developing the people within our industry in a new way. The agenda is designed to empower individuals, elevate their skills, expand networks, and create a culture of continuous learning ensuring sustained growth and success for both the individual and the company. There is really nothing like it in the industry and we’re thrilled to see an increased response year over year.”

Attendees can anticipate highly interactive education sessions and opportunities to connect with industry leaders across different levels and departments. Fresh, outside-the-box networking activities are aimed at creating new connections in difference ways, such as: the charity dodgeball tournament, Women in Industry's excursion to Disney Springs, Emerging Leaders' bowling, games, and billiards night out, the side social, opening party, networking lunch, and more.

The Fall Summit is open to both ISA members and non-members. For more information and to register, visit